Terms of Service

The website starcar.ge (www.starcar.ge) is the property of LLC "Star Car" (JSC 0000000).
If you are able to enter this site and place an order after registration, it means that you agree to the terms of the contract offered by our company. If you do not agree to the terms we offer, you may not use this site.
You can contact us on the contact number: 591 32 53 53 or 591 32 54 54 or write to us at the e-mail address: info@starcar.ge for any problems related to the conditions or the contract.

1. General conditions

Definition of Terms:

We - "Star Car" LLC, hereinafter - the company;

You - the person entering the website; as well as a legal entity, on whose behalf a natural person enters the website;

Agreement - this document;

while using the website

· You confirm that you are a competent person who has reached the age of 18, or a person who has reached the age of 16, and you have permission from the relevant persons to enter into this agreement, receive services through the website and dispose of the relevant funds;

· You will comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and the rules of using the website.

· In the process of cooperation, you present information fully and accurately, in order to use our services;

· You will protect the copyrights, you will not copy and distribute all or any part of the information on the page in any form and for any purpose;

· You will protect the security and privacy of your personal account, you will not disclose your page security accounts to third parties in order to protect your privacy.

· You will not carry out such actions that involve understanding the personal or confidential information of another user, account security codes and managing another user's personal page.

· You will not pretend to be another user, you will not use another user's personal data and another user's page;

· You will not take any action that threatens the proper functioning of the website or service.

· You will not take any action that is prohibited by law or by the terms of this Agreement.

2. Registration

· The product can be purchased

· When registering, you must provide only accurate, complete registration information, and you will update this information if it changes. When registering, you will receive an individual right to enter the system (with your name, personal number, password... etc.) Authorization on the website and use of its services through your account is not allowed for any other natural or legal person. You are responsible for preventing such unauthorized use. Individuals and legal entities, you are not allowed to register to open an account. Nor may you instruct any such person to use your account for you.



3. receiving services and

receiving service

Access to our services through the website is available in Tbilisi (in exceptional cases in the vicinity of Tbilisi) and we reserve the right to disconfirm or otherwise limit access to our services at our sole discretion.

Restrictions on the website

Information on the website may be changed or removed without prior notice. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE WILL OPERATE WITHOUT ERRORS OR INTERRUPTIONS. You will not receive services from us that we believe violate the law. Additionally, you are prohibited from unauthorized access to our systems or this website, misuse of passwords or misuse of any information on the website. You agree that we have the right to disclose and transfer the information provided by you on the website: 1. to any person working in our company and his authorized representative 2. to any other person or organization with your consent; 3. When there is an obligation of the right to provide information to the relevant person or body in the case provided for by the law. Your use of or submission of information to this website constitutes your consent to such transfer of information.

Limitation of Liability

We are not responsible or liable to give any guarantee or condition in relation to this website; including between other programs entering the site and other such problems that the user may encounter due to reasons independent of us.

Please also note that if access to the website is unavailable, interrupted or restricted, there is a possibility that you will not be able to receive the service and the online payment will not be successful. In order to avoid misunderstandings, in such a case you are obliged to refrain from using the website. In case, despite the mentioned circumstances, you still continue to use the website, the consequences will arise